(Updated on October 30, 2023)

Zhiming He
+86 155-5660-1676 | hezhiming1995@gmail.com
Blog: https://hezhiming1995.github.io

Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd

- Enterprise.IT, Data Engineer, Dec. 2020 - Jul. 2023, Beijing, China

Shanghai Bingmai Information Technology Co., Ltd

- Technology Department, Java Engineer (internship), Oct. 2020 - Feb. 2018, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China


Schneider Electric China Data Platform (CDP)

Redshift DBA, Jan. 2021 - Jul. 2023

  • Participated in the construction of CDP data platform from scratch, including: data warehouse layer design, database table structure optimization, wide table development, and permission control;
  • Served as DBA for Redshift data warehouse, responsible for account configuration, permission isolation, troubleshooting, performance optimization, and daily monitoring;
  • Participated in the design and development of Airflow DAG, realizing hierarchical scheduling of data tasks, and participated in Airflow's high availability testing;
  • Led multiple technology selections, such as benchmark testing (TPC-DS) for AWS Redshift data warehouse, and responsible for writing relevant technical documents.

Data factory of CDP - ETL Portal
DevOps Engineer, Mar. 2022 - Dec. 2023

  • Independently designed and implemented the entire CI/CD pipeline for the project, including development orchestration of Jenkinsfile, Dockerfile, Kubernetes resource files, and integration configuration of components such as Gitlab, Rancher, Sonar, and Harbor;
  • Authored technical standard documents for the department, such as Redshift table creation guidelines, compilation time and long query optimization for data marts, and CI/CD specification standards;
  • Participated in Java functional development, implementing row-level data validation functions for SAP data sources and CDP L3 layer(UDL);
  • Led the cloud call alarm service integration for the ETL task pipeline, driving the entire process from requirement design, selection and procurement to development and launch.

Schneider Customer Bonus Platform - Sales Gap
Data Engineer, Jul. 2022 - Feb. 2023

  • Independently responsible for requirement analysis and interface of the project, combining business requirements for logical sorting, SQL development, etc.
  • Directly interfaced with business users and the requirements team, responsible for the full process of project requirement analysis, development, testing, launch, and operation and maintenance.

Kyungpook National University

Computer Science , Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2020

  • Major Courses: Algorithm Design and Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Big Data Processing and Analysis, etc.
  • Research Results: Published one SCI division II paper and two international society papers as the first author.

Hainan Tropical Ocean University
Software Engineering, Sept. 2014 - Jun. 2018

  • Major Courses: Software Engineering, Computer Network, Data Structure, Database Principle, etc.
  • Honorary Achievements: Bronze Award and Best Exhibition Award in the Final of the "Pan Pearl River Delta" Computer Works Competition, "Three Good Student Pacesetter".

  • Technical Skills: sql, shell, python, java, redshift, s3, etl, spark-sql, docker, kubernetes, glue, hive, hudi.
  • Technical Tools: Linux, Airflow, Git, Jenkins, Tableau, Jira, Confluence, Rancher, Informatica, Harbor.
  • Interests: AI Prompt, Dubbing, Home Networking, VLOG filming and editing, gaming.